Let's visit you

by - 11/28/2017 05:06:00 pm

Let’s do a visitation,
To yourself, you caged in a cage,
Let’s get some refreshment,
To feed your inner man who starved for ages.

Days are counting, time is going,
Gray hairs are rushing
To manifest and weakened you,
Yet your real self was bolted.
Locked in the cage you built with your own hands.

You’ve got a definition,
Can I ask what?
Out of frustration you threw the key,
That unlocks desires along with unwanted responsibilities,
Away in an abyss that can't be reach,
Because you don’t want to reach.

Back in the days when you boil,
When you vow to rise and shine,
And be a powerful solvent that extracts dreams,
From ‘guys’ who run and shout for help,
But now they are the one who volunteered to help,
And help you get back on the track.

What has become of you, my dear?
You used to set the pace while others follow,
But now you are on the sycamore tree watching,
Applauding men who make waves in their generation,
On the sideline you are, saying,
‘I used to be a contestant in that race’

Let’s go on a visitation please,
And visit you locked in the prison,
Which you built with your own hands,
Let’s write an appeal dear,
To yourself who judged yourself
And sentenced yourself to life imprisonment.

You can always be better,
Pardon yourself and move on,
Greater heights lie ahead to stand and shine,
And a brighter future to explore.


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