Be ye light
That a command, "Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine!" Matt 5:14 (MSG). He told us to set example for the believers and unbelievers in 1Tim 4:12 in our actions including our speech and way of living.
Even as a believer, We are to shine by witnessing Christ to people around Matt 28:19, by living a separate way of life (2cor 6:17, Rom 12:2), remember you can shine as light even in your academic excellence.
know that if you don't have you can't give, how do you say what you don't know, it is a matter of your intimacy with God and his word.
Lastly, remember I started by telling us it is a command, Isaiah 60:1, shows another "Arise and shine, for your light has come and the glory of God has risen upon you". SHALOM