by - 3/17/2016 04:39:00 pm

Words are like double edge swords, they can be used to kill or save lives, They can either be a weapon of inflicting pain and injury, and injuries caused by the words last longer and are more painful than those caused by swords.
       In view of this, we receive counsel from scriptures which exhorts that “…there must not be even a hint of… obscenity, foolish talking or coarse joking which are out of place but rather thanksgiving.” (Eph 5vs 3-4), pray for and cultivate “the tongue of the learned so that is weary with your word…” (Isaiah 50:14).
“Let your conservation be full of grace, seasoned with salt that you may know how you ought to answer every man” (col. 4:6).
Don’t let unwholesome words come out of thy mouth but only what is helpful for building others up, according to their needs that might benefit those who hear you” (Eph 4:29)
Always recall that “when word are many, sin is not lacking. But him who holds his tongue is wise” (prov 10:19), “…be quick to listen and slow to speak” (James 1:19), always bear in mind also that  we “…must all give an account on judgment day for every day for every careless word we speak” (matt 12:36)

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