Welcome to the Real world
That's how we are as well. We have preconceived notions on what we'd like situations to be. But maybe ignorance or high expectations makes us feel bad when we don't get what we want.
"At least by 21-22 years of age, I should have graduated from the university" is the thought that we all harboured in an ideal world that exists in our subconscious mind, but here in the real world, only to see you'd go on 8 months strike after each semester.
You expect to live a life of luxury in the future no matter how. But here the law is "No pain, No gain". That's how it is.
We all have the image of what we want, but here in the real world, nothing of such. But I said up there that "Some real gases behave like ideal gas, but they aren't". Yes but under conditions. Does that work for us as well?
All of us have what we wanted, though none seems to be in existence currently. But we have this world as a raw material to make an ideal world. We have the greatest task to handle in making our dream come true.
You want good, kind and compassionate men to fill the earth, are you one already?, You have an idea to make the world better, pursue it with all diligence. Though we don't live in an ideal world, but we can shape this one.
Remember an ideal world doesn't exist. But we can make this real world into an ideal world.
We are on the mission to make this world an ideal world.
Abayomi Adeoye
A nice post