I read through my news feed on Facebook this morning to catch up latest gist and news from friends and pages I followed and there was this group I have not been active lately, so I was not aware there a challenge on, so I took my time to catch with what it is and people accepting the challenge. But there was this comment that made me write this article. It read thus;
I have been seeing people accepting this challenge, please is money involved? [Paraphrased and edited]
Well, the comment have many interpretation, only if we get that which the writer really meant, but a closer look at it is "he can't do it if money is not attached".
Sometimes, what makes our life meaningful is value, the difference between a market woman and me is the value I added to myself. Value is an essential to every man who desired greatness, it can't be traded for anything.
Have you get to a point in time when you will feel down, when you'd feel there's nothing you are capable of doing, or when some trace of inferiority complex begin to manifest? It's the value you've added to yourself overtime that will be of much help that time.
I believed life can be so cruel and apparently can be as gentle as a day old child, but in everything add value to yourself. Sometimes value does necessary results to money. That's what I saw wrong in the comment above. More than Money, add value, in due time, money will come.
Take for example, a young Kenyan lad named Kelvin Doe who was busy building a music player from scraps around his environ, who's now a visiting lecturer in Massachusetts institute of technology and was opportuned to feature in a TED talks. When he was busy adding value, he never know all these will come.
Add value, that's the best you can do to yourself, it claims some ungotten deserved respect. This is the simple truth, just try it, add value.